CAST: “Competitive Angling as a Scientific Tool”

The first project of its kind to use the power of recreational anglers in Citizen Science to inform fisheries management and sustainable fishing

CAST Project

The aim of the CAST project is to use data collected from local sea angling competitions to provide a novel insight into the distribution, life stages and habitat preferences of data poor fisheries in the Solent.

Project Overview

The information collected will improve our understanding of five popular targets for recreational anglers:

  • Bass
  • Bream
  • Skates & Rays
  • Smoothhound
  • Tope

The project will also develop a new AI software to assist with the identification of species based on their morphometrics, size, colouration and other factors with far-reaching applications outside of this project.

Our goals are to:

Provide novel, relevant data for data-poor species to improve their fisheries management and develop a standardised, cost-effective and self-sustaining data collection method that can be delivered at any UK sea angling event…and beyond…


Angling Spirit

We have partnered with the annual sea angling competition, the Sea Angling Classic (organised by Angling Spirit) to gather invaluable information about the data-poor target fish species (bass, bream, skates & rays, smoothhound and tope) caught during the competition.

By standardising the data collection methodologies, we can roll out these processes to more competitions in other coastal regions. Data collected using our standardised and repeatable format will be an invaluable source of information to support long-term management of some of the UK’s most data-deficient fisheries.

Southern IFCA

The Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority leads, champions and manages a sustainable marine environment and inshore fisheries by securing the right balance between social, environmental and economic benefits to ensure healthy seas, sustainable fisheries and a viable industry.

University of Portsmouth

The University of Portsmouth is the lead research partner on the CAST project. The team is made up of a collaboration between marine ecology researchers at the Institute of Marine Sciences and scientists from the Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation.

Funded by DEFRA

UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs under the Fisheries Industry Science Partnerships (FISP) scheme
